Introduction to ADDMORE Outsourcing, Inc.

by codm

Aug 25

ADDMORE Outsourcing is a BPO company that partners with various international companies who like to optimize their operations with value-filled resources. Our key focus is to provide efficient services and solutions, streamlining the work flow of our clients, thereby enhancing their business efficiency, productivity and profit.

At ADDMORE Outsourcing, we are all about flexibility and partnership. We listen carefully to fully understand all our client’s unique needs and objectives. We have 3 pillars which represent our delivery models for Business Process Outsourcing solutions.

Offshore Outsourcing is a strategic partnership that takes place when a business transfers tasks to an outsourcing company like us and services are performed overseas.

Offshore Staff Leasing allows clients to hire remote-based full-time staff within the Philippines who will work exclusively and perform tasks assigned to them.

Project-based is the most appropriate option for companies with irregular, one-off, and pilot projects of low to medium complexity with well-defined requirements and deliverables.


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